Neighbourhood & Home Watch CT1 3XA Area

NHW Coordinator:
Val Horne

Neighbourhood & Home Watch is a voluntary network of schemes where neighbours come together, along with the police and local partners, to build safe and friendly communities.


About this group


This is the Canterbury and District Neighbourhood Watch Association Group Facebook page. We are affiliated with Kent Police ( and the National Neighbourhood Watch Network (

We also associate with Romney Marsh NHW Association, Folkestone & Hythe NHW Association and Trinity Road Ashford NHW Association. We are always looking to work together and support each other with the like-minded goals attributed to NHW. If you are not yet a NHW member and would like to join then please visit our website and express your interest, its so easy to become part of this fantastic organisation which aims to bring communities together and make them as safe as possible.

Kent Police

Kent Police is working with local councils to deal with crime and anti-social behaviour where you live.

Community Policing

The Community Safety Units (CSUs) deal with local crime and safety issues.
East Division (Ashford, Folkestone, Hythe, Canterbury, Dover and Thanet)
[Click Here]
Telephone: 101